Monday 27 February 2017

Latest News

Hello and we hope you enjoy reading our latest update!


Our time serving at Beehive is drawing to an end very soon…..our 1 year contract ends with them in early March. During our time here we have contributed to the wonderful work that this amazing and entrepreneurial charity does here in Blantyre. Mark has supported the social enterprise businesses that create employment and trades for a very poor community and Laura has invested her social work experience to the children’s centre Family Support Team who are tackling prolific child abuse, child marriages, child trafficking, harmful cultural practices amongst many other community resources.

We always knew that Beehive was God’s way into Malawi for us and was never His ‘end game’. However we are both so grateful to God for our time here. On a practical level it provided us with accommodation and support when we literally landed. We have learnt so much about the culture and working with Malawians that will prove invaluable to us going forward. On a personal note we will miss the Malawian teams that we have been working with over the last year and we pray that God will continue to use Beehive even more to affect change in the community it serves.      


With our time drawing to an end at Beehive this will free more of our time up to partner with Miqlat. As you may remember we started our rural Pastor’s training at one of their two sites in November. Our additional time will allow us to start this training at their second site which we are excited about! 

We are also looking at ways in which we can spiritually work with and support the older teenagers Miqlat serve. Laura has already started some prayer ministry with one of their older teenage girls. This girl had been experiencing fainting, ill health and some demonic dreams. Through our prayer ministry sessions the girl has returned to full health and we had to cancel her upcoming doctor’s appointment, the fainting had stopped (which we thought was a demonic attack as no physical reasons for her fainting could be found, and her very scary (for the girl) demonic dreams have ended and she has been able to return to school after weeks of not attending! This is the kind of thing we hope to do a lot more of!

We are also planning to train their Malawian staff in supernatural Kingdom ministry so that it is not just us ‘westerners’ doing the prayer ministry but that more importantly the Malawian staff are equipped and trained to do this themselves.

Here is a link to Miqlat’s website to gain more of an understanding of their work:

Sozo Prayer Ministry

With our time coming to an end at Beehive this in turn will also enable us to be offer more Sozo sessions. We have been liaising with Sozo South Africa keeping them informed of developments as they oversee Africa. This has resulted in us being named Team Leaders for Sozo Malawi! Quite a grand title which we found quite amusing as it mainly reflects that as far as we’re aware we are the only trained people in Malawi offering Sozo ministry sessions! From our initial feedback so far with people here we think demand is going to significantly outstrip our availability to provide sessions, exciting but let’s pray in more people trained in inner healing prayer ministry!

We have had the privilege of doing a few sessions this month, here is one of the testimonies of their experience of their Sozo session:

“This was my first Sozo. Quite an intense experience it was. But through it all, Jesus was with me, healing my past hurts, leading me through a journey of forgiveness. I have never felt so affirmed, so loved”

General Life

We are both doing really well and enjoying life out here. We continue to really enjoy being a part of our church here, one part of which is encouraging our weekly home group. We’re particularly proud of the guys in our home group! When we first arrived most of them were fairly skeptical about actually receiving physical healing or not believing they would see if it they prayed. Now they have prayed for others and seen instant healings and have also received physical healings from God themselves! They have also grown so much in their confidence in hearing God; some of them going as far as saying they don’t hear from God. Last week each one of them without fail had a prophetic word or picture for everyone else in the group, some of them were astounded they heard anything and were equally encouraged to receive the words given to them personally from others. It’s a privilege to see them grow in front of our eyes and we continue to love to model and encourage them in this supernatural ministry and can’t wait to see them dive into this area more!
On a much less exciting note a practical aspect of life here is the fairly extreme lack of electricity across the whole nation. Currently we have no electricity from 4am – 10pm four days a week and the other days are by no means full of electricity, we just see what we get each day! Unfortunately the Government have recently stated that the electricity supply this year is only going to reduce further. This makes daily living tricky to say the least, we pretty much can’t rely upon our fridge freezer, our electric oven (no mains gas out here!), washing machine and all of the many things we reply upon electricity to work. Our concern is that this will begin to impact upon our ministry in terms of using laptops to preparing teaching for the pastors and our other administration activities. Also, keeping a charged mobile phone is an important part of personal safety out here too. So……we’ve asked God to provide us with some provision to purchase an invertor (basically a large battery) that will give us the capability to charge our laptops and phones and run our internet when there is no electricity, please join with us in prayer that this provision to purchase an invertor soon!

Other prayer points

• Our visa – unfortunately this remains unchanged, we have still not been granted our 2 year visa to live here. We’d ask you to join with us in praying that this is speedily given to us!

• Continued prayers for the pastors we are teaching; that they would receive divine revelation of what we are teaching, and that it is not just increased head knowledge. 
Thank you and lots of love from us both!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome guys, I'll pray for an invertor or a generator!!
